All of the links below are to evidence-based nutrition resources for those working and studying at home, which have been developed by, or in collaboration with, UKVRN Registered Nutritionists (RNutrs) or Registered Associate Nutritionists (ANutrs).
We will be continually adding resources to this over time, so please do check back in and share these resources and this page/resource hub #AfNNutritionHub
Please note – These resources are produced independently by Registrants & are not owned by the AfN.
Produced by

How to get to your five a day
Helping you to easily get 5-a-day into your menus
By Rosie Cadogan RNutr

Food, immunity and health: What you need to know
A helpful overview and handy tips
By Jenny Rosborough RNutr

Nutrition Tips when working from Home
Whether you are working from home as part of a remote role, because it is the school holiday’s or because their are lots of coughs and colds going around, these handy tips will help you through

Snacking during your working from home day
Tips on how to make snacks healthy whilst working or studying at home
By Rosie Cadogan RNutr

Top tips for keeping at your best
By Prof Louis Levy RNutr FAfN, Prof Basma Ellahi RNutr and Dr Adetokunbo Olayanju RNutr

Getting your 5 a day on a budget
By Nourhan Barakat ANutr and reviewed by Charlotte Turner RNutr

Nutrition tips for a healthy Ramadan: Fasting and Iftar
By Nourhan Barakat and reviewed by Charlotte Turner RNutr

African & Caribbean Eatwell Guide
The Diverse Nutrition Association have been championing the integration of cultural sensitivity and fostering health equity in all aspects of health research, public and community health. They have produced an African & Caribbean Eatwell Guide which is available for free via their website.
By Amaeze Madukah (RNutr), Melissa Saint Hill (ANutr) & Ashleigh Simpson
For more information, please contact

Keeping your immune system in tip top shape
Can veg boost your immune system?
By Dr Glenys Jones RNutr

Protect your wellbeing
A guide co-created by the Nutrition Team at the Centre for Public Health Nutrition Research and students from the School of Medicine to help you live well and adapt to the new routines and ways of living during times of illness

What can I eat to support my immune system?
Separate the facts from the fiction on how nutrition can help keep you fighting fit
By Laura Wyness RNutr

Early Start Nutrition
Eat Smart Shop Smart
Making the most of store cupboard ingredients and taking a look at how to reduce food waste.

How to make food go further
Helping you make the most out of your ingredients
By Rhiannon Lambert RNutr

Eat smart, save money, stay safe!
Simple, quick and nutritious shopping bag recipes – all created from a £10 shopping bag

How to stop yo-yo dieting and lose weight permanently
Behaviour change techniques for weight loss
By Cathy Court ANutr

How to lose weight while loving food
Strategies to help make weight loss a little easier and more sustainable
By Cathy Court ANutr

12 dietary changes to lower your cholesterol
Article aimed at people with high cholesterol providing dietary changes to help lower cholesterol
By Cathy Court ANutr

Nutrition Career Chats
Nutrition Career chats held with Registered Nutritionists aimed at Nutrition students and graduates to give an insight into different career paths.
By Louise Payne RNutr

Humans of Nutrition Podcast
A curation of interviews with nutrition professionals to capture everyday conversations and the sharing of honest human-centered insights.
In the podcast, friends and colleagues within the nutrition field and wider food and health community are interviewed on topics as diverse as agriculture, social supermarkets, citizen science and consumer insights. The conversations with these fantastic ‘humans of nutrition’ go beyond the science and delve into the person behind the inspiring activities, uncovering their motivations, challenges and successes.
Curated by Nutrition Talent

How to support your immune system.
Article providing dietary and lifestyle tips to help support the immune system.
By Swati Madan RNutr

Mushrooms: A great natural source of vitamin D
In this article Dr Glenys Jones RNutr explains how mushrooms can help support our health through their vitamin D content, how to tell which mushrooms are best and tips for boosting mushrooms vitamin D levels.

Top 5 nutrition tips when working from home.
Article aiming to help ensure people are obtaining adequate nutrition while spending more time at home
By Daniel Clarke ANutr and James Collier RNutr

It`s okay not to be eating okay.
Article aiming to ease concern and anxiety around healthy eating.
By Daniel Clarke ANutr and James Collier RNutr

3 Steps to silence your inner food critic
By Scarlet Gilbart ANutr, reviewed by Charlotte Turner RNutr

How to add more fibre to your diet.
By Amanda Nyeke RNutr, reviewed by Charlotte Turner RNutr.