Nutrition Resource Hub
The resources within the AfN Nutrition Resource Hub have been produced by UKVRN Registered Nutritionists (RNutrs) or Registered Associate Nutritionists (ANutrs) or in collaboration RNutrs/ANutrs.
All the resource links are to free resources and are provided to aid both the public and media accessing reliable, evidence-based nutrition information and support.
Please do share these resources with your friends, family and colleagues. We would also love to hear if you have tried any of the recipes, activities or tips. So please do share these on social media using the hashtag #AfNNutritionHub.
The resources have been grouped – please click the relevant image below to see related resources.
Please note – All of these resources are the materials of Registrants and are not produced or owned by the AfN.
If you are a current ANutr or RNutr and would like to submit a resource you have created please send us a completed AfN Resource Hub Submission Form