The new Core Competencies for Registered Nutritionists will be implemented on 1st April 2024.
Applying before 1st April 2024
If you are looking to submit a portfolio application before the new Competencies are implemented on 1st April 2024, you should use the current (2019) ANutr and RNutr Competencies and application forms available on the AfN website.
Please note: The application forms for submissions using the current competences will close at midnight on 31st March 2024, any incomplete applications will not be accessible after this date.
Applying between 1st April 2024 and 31st March 2025
If you are looking to submit a portfolio application in the period between the implementation of the new ANutr and RNutr Competencies, you should use the current (2019) ANutr Competencies to complete mapping form A and the new (2024) RNutr Competencies to complete mapping form B.
The application form will be available for submissions using the mapping forms for these competences between 1st April and 31st March 2025 on the AfN website.
A downloadable version of the new mapping form B is available, allowing ample time to plan your portfolio in advance of the changeover
Please note: The application form for submissions using these competences will close at midnight on 31st March 2024, any incomplete applications will not be accessible after this date.
Applying on or after 1st April 2025
If you are looking to submit your portfolio application on or after the implementation of both the new ANutr and RNutr Competencies on 1st April 2025, you should use the new (2025) ANutr and (2024) RNutr Competencies to complete your application.
The application form will be available for submissions using the mapping forms for these competences on 1st April 2025 on the AfN website.
A downloadable version of the new mapping form B is available now and of the new mapping form A will be available in September 2024, allowing you time to plan your portfolio in advance of the changeover.
Please note: The application form for submissions using these competences will close at midnight on 31st March 2025, any incomplete applications will not be accessible after this date.