Applying for AfN Degree Accreditation/ Reaccreditation
Please note, the AfN Degree Accreditation Scheme applies only to degree programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate). To apply for individual registration with the UKVRN, please see our Apply for Registration section.
Programmes interested in applying for accreditation should email for further information and to arrange an initial discussion.
Please click here to see the (Re)Accreditation Application Process Map (2025)
Updated Standards Notice:
Updated Degree Accreditation Standards come into effect on 1st April 2025. Please click here to read the initial guidance that has been developed to support the implementation of these.
The Updated Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) Competencies also come into effect on 1st April 2025.
All applications must be submitted in the following format:
- An electronic / digital submission emailed to (a transfer service such as WeTransfer or Dropbox can be used to send large files)
- Once sent please email the same email address to confirm the file(s) have been sent. This is to avoid any large emails getting stuck in the system.
- Please ensure each page is numbered sequentially and a table of contents included
- If providing hyperlinks to additional information please ensure the assessors will be able to access the information.
Applications are considered by AfN Accreditation Assessors. Assessors make a recommendation to AfN Accreditation Committee, which has delegated authority on behalf of Council to accredit, reaccredit and decline to accredit courses and programmes in nutrition and as part of the assessment process additional information may be required from the applicant. This process takes a minimum of six months for reaccreditation applications, and may take up to 12 months for new programmes applying for accreditation.
Applicable from 1st April 2018
For new programmes applying for AfN accreditation: £2,350 assessment fee to be paid upon application.
AfN accredited programmes: annual accreditation fee: £1,410 payable annually (invoiced in October for 1st April -31st March financial year). Once accredited, we do not charge accredited courses a fee for periodic reaccreditation.
All fees are non-refundable. Continuing accreditation or eligibility to apply or reapply for accreditation is conditional on payment of the correct accreditation fee and adherence to the Standard Conditions.
For more information on Accreditation fees and conditions please see ‘Standard Conditions’ (P4.1-4.9) in Programme Accreditation Outcomes, Standards and Procedures.
In you require an invoice, please contact to indicate your intention to submit an application for an invoice to be raised. When emailing please ensure you provide the following details;
- Full title of programme
- Full name and address the invoice should be addressed to.