Degree Accreditation
AfN Degree Accreditation
AfN Degree Accreditation supports development of nutritionists’ skills by recognising university courses which deliver evidence-based nutrition education to a professional level.
Undergraduate honours degrees and postgraduate degrees programmes are eligible for AfN Degree Accreditation (usually for a period of five years). The scheme is governed on behalf of AfN Council by the Accreditation Committee, under the terms of the Programme Accreditation Core Competence Requirements, Standards and Procedures.
Graduates of AfN Accredited Degree Programmes have the opportunity to apply for Direct Entry to the UKVRN, at Associate status. Please note that registration is not automatic following graduation – it must be applied for.
Find which university programmes are accredited and/or if you are a university programme leader, discover how to apply for AfN Degree Accreditation.
Please note: Completion of an AfN Certified Course does not make an individual a certified nutritionist/nutrition assistant/diet advisor etc. nor eligible for UKVRN registration as either a Registered Associate Nutritionist or Registered Nutritionist.
AfN Certified Courses are however suitable for those wishing to gain a foundation in nutrition at below degree level for either personal development or because nutrition plays a role within their job and they would like to be competent and confident in their knowledge. Certification is awarded to courses that meet the competency requirements for their specified sector/level as a quality mark to enable students/employers to identify reputable, evidence-based courses.