Sports and Exercise Nutrition
Sports and Exercise Nutritionists develop, implement and evaluate nutritional strategies to optimise performance in sport and exercise. They determine the energy, fluid and nutrient demands of sport and exercise and provide tailored dietary advice to individuals and groups, ranging from recreational athletes, enthusiastic amateurs to elite professional athletes. They may also work for and in the sports nutrition industry eg producing products for athletes of all ability levels, or may work in education, be academics or researchers.
Public Health Nutrition
Public Health Nutritionists develop, implement and evaluate nutrition policies and programmes, generating the evidence base and applying scientific knowledge to ensure understanding of the impact of food and diet on health and well being of people and communities, and improving the diet, nutrition and health of people and communities. Roles can include health improvement, addressing inequalities in nutrition and health, nutrition advocacy, developing/commissioning and implementing policies and programmes, monitoring, evaluation and assessment of diet in groups/communities, education and generating research evidence linking food/nutrients and health.
Nutrition Science
A Nutrition Scientist investigates the metabolic and physiological responses of the body to foods and nutrients. The nutrition scientist may use expertise from the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology and genetics or other underpinning scientific knowledge. They aim to understand the factors that determine requirements for energy and specific nutrients, the sequence of steps through which ingested substances are digested and change from one form to another in the body, how food related chemicals can cause or prevent disease or may affect risk factors. Their work may contribute to understanding of pathological or healthy processes in humans and other animals. Nutrition Scientists will typically work in a research role in academia/food industry/research institutes etc.
Food Nutrition
Food nutritionists usually look at the science, ingredients, policy, legislation and regulations involved in the consumption or marketing of a food item. Their roles will vary between nutrition training or education, customer service, health promotion and assessing, setting, implementing and communicating nutritional standards and information for foods in commercial and food service settings, marketing, product development, regulatory support and research/science. Their role may also include community development/health improvement as well as commissioning of services. Food Nutritionists will typically work in nutrition/food education/academia as a nutrition/food researcher, for the food manufacturing industry (producing anything from baby foods to food supplements), the foodservice industry (from wholesalers to catering companies), food retailers (major supermarkets or pharmacy chains), public relations companies or trade/ industry organisations.
Animal Nutrition
An Animal Nutritionist is a scientist who applies his or her basic knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, metabolism and nutrition of vertebrates to a species or genus, understands the specific characteristics of the nominated species and applies this knowledge to their welfare, dietary needs and nutritional disorders, advising others about the subject or constructing experiments to increase understanding of nutritional science of the species. Animal nutritionists may run their own consultancy, work in industry, education, academia or research.