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Welcome to the Association for Nutrition

We are the independent regulator for Registered Nutritionists

A Registered Charity, our role is to protect and benefit the public.  We hold the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists (UKVRN), a register of competent, qualified nutrition professionals who meet our rigorously applied standards for scientifically sound evidence-based nutrition and its use in practice.  The UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists is the only register of qualified nutritionists recognised by Public Health England and the NHS.


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Looking for a qualified nutritionist

If you are looking for a qualified nutritionist, always check they have the quality mark post-nominal letters RNutr or ANutr after their name.

We also define and advance standards of evidence-based practice across the wider field of nutrition at all levels within the workforce. Our standards for the wider workforce in nutrition (in public health, catering, fitness, leisure and social care) were developed with support from Department of Health and Public Health England, and are the benchmark for nutrition competence for all who use, translate or provide nutrition information to the public.

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Posted: 5 June 2024

New Function – Experience Log

Posted: 1 April 2024

Revised RNutr Competencies Come into Effect

Posted: 12 December 2023

Consultation of Revised Standards for CPD Quality Assurance Scheme

Posted: 29 September 2023

Nutrition Professionals: Funded Research

Posted: 1 April 2023

New Registration Competencies & Standards and Degree Accreditation Standards Published

Posted: 7 November 2022

Academy of Nutrition Sciences publish second position paper